Mix Ratio of Sand-Cement Screed for Floors

Mix Ratio of sand and cement screed for floors varies depend on the use of screed. Added to that, cement type, grade of aggregate and the method of storage of screed material influence the mix ratio to a certain extent. Suitable type of cement is selected and sands should be free of deleterious materials.

It is reported that for traditional screeds a mix proportion of 1:6 Portland cement: sand/aggregate is a normal range that is commonly used; mix proportions of 1:4 cement to sand is widely applied.
Material Selection for Sand-Cement Screed


 It is important to choose the specified cement type for best results, as variations in cement quality can affect the strength development of the screed and its susceptibility to poor curing.

Size and shape of sand has great impact on the performance and appearance of screed hence it should be guaranteed that the presence of materials does not exceed the acceptable level. However, for heavy duty screed, the maximum size of aggregate ranges from 6mm and 10mm.


The quantity of water added to the mixture can be adjusted at site. Excess water should be avoided because it reduces strength and increases risk of cracking. A stiff mix with too little water does not allow full compaction, and the screed may crumble over time.

Mix ratio is not only depending on the use of screed but storage of screed material that also influence mix ratio to a certain extend.  However, mix proportions of 1:4 cement to sand is widely applied. Mix ratio should produce a plastic, easy-working, cohesive mortar of plastering consistence.


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Blog written by

Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

Blog Managed by
Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement


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