Living Concrete

Living Concrete is the technology where bacteria can be used to make concrete in a greener and sustainable way. In the earlier years when this concrete is made at that time bacteria is used in the concrete to heal its cracks its own but now a days these can do much more than that.

Cement is the second most consumed material by humans after water. And it emits 6% carbon dioxide to the atmosphere during its production and when it mixes with concrete, the emissions increase. The bacteria which is used in the living concrete is called Synechococcus. This bacterium comes under the criteria of Cyanobacteria. During the process of photosynthesis it gains its energy. In this process, it absorbs carbon dioxide, sunlight, and some other nutrients in the presence of chlorophyll and releases calcium carbonate and oxygen.

They are also called as Green Algae because of its green colour due to the chlorophyll. They can be reproduce by the process Binary Fission. These cyanobacteria have a tolerance to extreme conditions and the ability to exist without vitamins.

When these bacteria mixed with gelatin, sand, and some nutrients in a liquid mixture, bacteria staretd its gelatin, sand, and some nutrients in a liquid mixture. When this liquid cooled down it converts into a gel form and become a hard material and with stand with loads.

Advantages of Living Concrete

Ø  In this concrete despite of carbon dioxide, oxygen is released to the atmosphere and these bacteria absorbs carbon dioxide.

Ø  It can be used where very few resources are available.

Ø  More concrete can be produced from the existing concrete as living concrete continues to grow and we need to add some sand and nutrients to make more concrete.

Drawbacks of Living Concrete

Ø  To gain more strength, Concrete has to be dried thoroughly. Due to this, the viability of bacteria will have to be compromised.

Ø  For this concrete, humid weather is favourable therefore it cannot be used everywhere.

Ø  This living materials properties match much more with mortar instead concrete but mortar is not as strong as concrete.


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Blog written by

Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

Blog Managed by

Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement


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